Wednesday 9 July 2014

The Meaning of NSFT, NSFP and NSFD

We can get a little crazy sometimes, us Flick Chicks. You should see some of our emails to each other when we're blog planning. There's lists of lists, colour codes, side comments, and then side comments of side comments. Somehow, it all makes sense to us. You might have seen us mention NSFT, NSFP or NSFD before, and we might do it some more now that we've told you what they mean!

If you've read our About Us page, you'll know a little about how this all started. While we sent our emails back and forth, with mini reviews and recommendations, we also tagged warnings too.

I used to travel to and from work by train, and my journey was an hour each way, so it was a great opportunity for me to catch up on my TV shows and films. Now, if you've ever commuted to work using public transport, you know how busy it can be. Quite often I would find the person sat next to me staring at my tablet screen, and well as several people standing watching it too.

I remember clearly this one journey, I was watching an episode of Arrow, and just as we pulled into Birmingham New Street and flocks of people got onto the train, Oliver Queen and Laurel Lane get all friendly and started kissing and taking each other's tops off. I'm actually turning pink just thinking about it again. What was I meant to do? Shut my tablet down and let everyone think I was watching soft p*rn? Or wait it out in the hope that it was only a kiss, just to find that it got worse?

Poor Jenna got to hear all about it the next say and so 'Not Safe for Train' was born. Unfortunately, for me, NSFT includes anything that involves two characters kissing. I watched What's Your Number too on the train once and I'm pretty sure I remember a scene where Chris Evans opens his apartment door, completely naked - that was a good scene ;-). Thankfully that was at a quieter part of my journey.

Moving swiftly on, Jenna travels far and wide quite often in her job now and watched a fair few films on her plane journeys.  And so NSFP was born after an awkward incident where I thought it would be safe to watch Spring Breakers on a flight to Dubai, it was not safe!  If you have seen the film, you might remember the first 5 minutes which includes boobs, arses and more boobs!!  Then as Allie said you have to make the decision of whether to turn it off (and potentially let people think you were watching p*rn on a plane) or leave it on and hope it gets less NSFP, this did not get any safer, in fact I had to turn it off because leaving it on made it look like I was watching porn, it was just neverending!!

Then there is my Dad, we are both big film fans so we go to the cinema a lot.  Allie will kindly provide me with updates as to whether a film is NSFD (not safe for Dad) i.e. is there awkward sex scenes that go on for more than 2 minutes.  This is an even worse situation, you have to just sit there and it feel like one scene is longer than the rest of the film put together.  You can't get up and 'get a drink' or 'go to the loo' because then you are highlighting the fact that its happening when so far we've done well pretending nothing is happening.  But then there is Dallas Buyers Club, I knew what the film was about but I didn't expect the first half an hour of the film to be sex scene after sex scene and as Allie hadn't seen it I had no NSFD warning.

So if you are commenting on any of our 'Looking forward to seeing...' posts and you know it's NSFD, please give me a clue as I can't suffer Dallas Buyers Club situation all over again....

I just hope we still have readers after admitting all this crazyness!


  1. This post is beyond cute. Jenna, I hope your plane experience didn't ruin Spring Breakers for you. I found it to be really good despite how much skin is flashed.

    1. I still haven't watched it!! I turned it off on the plane and then it expired from my ipad!! I will definitely watch it at some point though! - Jenna

  2. I watched The Reader on a plane, and I had an aisle seat. I felt like such a perv, watching all those sex scenes and wondering if the people behind me were looking at my screen as well.

    1. It's terrible, especially when you don't know what type of film it is, so the scenes just come out of nowhere!! I was sat next to a small child on my last flight so I had to choose very wisely, Gravity and Frozen were the safest choices! - Jenna

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Lou, we're hoping not to lose any readers through our crazy ramblings!! - Jenna

  4. This so cute. I don't watch TV/Movies on public transport, but I do live with my parents and I tend to be careful what I pick to watch if they are around. I usually check the Parents Guide section on IMDB to see if there's too much sex and nudity.

    1. I'm so glad I don't use public transport anymore ha! Watching films with family can get mega awkward though, I've never thought to use IMDB beforehand so thanks for that tip! :)
      - Allie

  5. Cute! Certainly useful acronyms - might have to start using them myself. And Spring Breakers? NSFA - not suitable for anywhere! That film was essentially just soft porn, let's be honest people.

    1. Oh I LOVE NSFA! If we're not careful we'll end up going through the whole alphabet soon :D
      - Allie
